Project Specific Pattern Languages – Specificity and Generality of Pattern Languages

A shared pattern language in a project acts as the generic system which gives the power to the smaller local acts to form a whole. Within the process of making a project, every individual act of building differentiates space. However, the individual acts do not constitute a process of addition, in which performed parts are combined to create a whole; on the contrary, it is a process of unfolding, in which the whole precedes the parts, and actually gives birth to them, by splitting. The process of unfolding goes step by step, one pattern at a time. Each step brings just one pattern to life.
Areas of focus:
Design and Building Process
Guiding idea:
Pattern Languages in Practice
Thoughts and Arguments Explored and Developed

The generic power of language
Differentiating space – a process of unfolding
Step-by-Step procedure: Sequence of steps for designing a building
Patterns are implemented best by piecemeal growth; emerge gradually and organically
The site is the medium in which design takes its shape, without making a drawing
The building gets its final form during the actual process of construction
Working out the details of the building as construction unfolds

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