Design and Construction is one Integrated Making Process

The design process of a project and its construction process are united into one continuous and intertwined making process, unfolding in a step-by-step sequence. Design ends together with the completion of the construction process. "Making" is a conception of the construction of a building which allows that the feedback, obtained constantly from the actions and experience of shaping the whole, provide feedback and guidance to the builders who then modify what they are shaping in accordance with the feedback just received. The major consequence of this process is that the architect must also be a builder, and depending on the scale and engineering complexity of the project, the architect is asked to define the extent of the minimum required involvement in the actual construction process, which extends beyond the normal architectural control on a project. As an example, to undertake the construction of specialty works in a project, which would help in enhancing the wholeness and life of the building, and over which there is full control and responsibility.
Areas of focus:
Design and Building Process
Guiding idea:
Construction Process
Thoughts and Arguments Explored and Developed

The architect builder – The architect as a maker
The builder’s yard
Design decisions are best made when using in parallel and sequentially, all different means available, like sketching, rough small scale models, large scale models, drawings, mock-ups, testing techniques in the actual building site
Cardboard mock-ups in full scale, is a useful tool –much more than drawings– to test shapes and dimensions of building components
Finding and finetuning the right shape and right dimensions of each component during the time of its making, according to its position in the whole and according to the contribution it makes to the whole
The importance of detailing to the nearest tenth of an inch
Working on integrated wholes
The balance of rough and smooth

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